March 16, 2012

don't mix milk with the orange juice

In a typical sunday morning when i have proper time to have a proper breakfast with my wife, i pretty much love to mix different flavours. I mix honey with cheese or egg. And I find it pretty delicious. Interestingly, I met many people who just can't understand how delicious this is. It is a taste bomb for me, and yet, many people think that it is rubbish.

My enthusiasm to mix different flavors is not actually limited to breakfast only. For example in a typical lunch time in the office where they serve all the dishes at the same time, i usually take bites from different plates in random order, rather than finishing one dish and then starting the next one - as most people would do. But I would like note at this point that I don't do it as much as I used to do in the past, simply because I restricted most of the stuff I eat. For example, I never eat bread  (at least) in lunch time, or rice, or pasta, or any kind of desserts. So, my options to mix things is pretty much limited.

I also would like to note that I am aware of the fact that there are a lot of people like me. But let me not digress.

The point is, I am open to experimenting with flavours. More than most of the people, actually. I tried to make latte with sweet melons for god's sake - which was a disappointment, but at least i tried. 

Yet, there are things even I know that you should not mix. Like milk and orage juice. I love them both, but mixing them is not a good idea. They're both delicious in their own way, but their chemistry don't get along.


Ok, don't get me wrong. I love them both. I mean, I'm a loyal Metallica fan. I didn't abondon them even when it was a cool thing to abondon them especially right after their Black album. I'm naturally not a fanatical fan as I used to when I was a teenager, but I still adore them.

And I like Lou Reed, too. I'm not a big fan, but I like him and I never switch off the radio if he plays, as opposed to many other performers.

But come on, the mixture of Metallica and Lou Reed is nothing but a freak. They're both good at what they're doing, but they're simply not in the same lane. Actually, they're not even in the same continent. And I thoght they all were good musicians to figure it out before trying.

And here is a sample of what they have done. Listen and decide yourself.


Ayak said...

I agree they don't mix well at all!

Getting back to the mixing of tastes. I'm sure this must be a fairly common Turkish thing because my husband does it. I'm sometimes amazed at the unlikely food he mixes together.

Unknown said...

And how do you like it?

Ayak said...

.well I do mix some foods which wouldn't normally be eaten together but I try to balance the flavours. I'm trying to think of an example. Ah yes last week I chopped and boiled some cabbage and then fried it with chicken livers. I suppose that might have been considered odd but it was delicious!

Unknown said...

that definitely sounds delicious :)

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