There is an evil regime in Syria and they don't hesitate to kill their own people just to stay in power. And the world has to do something to protect Syrian people against their own government.
This is the kind of bullshit they want you to believe if you are following the main stream media. Thanks God now we have internet which lets us hear the same story from different vantage points which may help you see the bigger picture.
Of course, the opposite is not true and that's actually the big deal with the mass media. They only take a part of the facts and present it as if it is the truth, the only truth. And when you say there's something wrong with it, you suddenly find yourself defending something which probably isn't worth defending.
What I'm simply saying is, they don't tell you the truth and as a matter of fact, I don't think you need to be a genius to figure this out.
The Syrian government is obviously not the best government in the world. They have tons of flaws, and Syria has a lot to improve to become a fully functional democratic state.
That's one thing. However, t
he so called Free Syrian Army is nothing but a bunch of rebels who are in possession of weapons which they can't normally afford. And when civilans die because of a conflict between the rebels and the official army, it is generally the rebels who initiate the massacre. You are free to make your own research and prove me wrong. And this is another thing.
And what I hate the most about all this mayhem is that Turkey is harboring those rebels. They tried hard not to leak the news, but now it is a known fact. And Turkish goverment is doing this because...? Right, because there is an evil regime in Syria who kill and torture their own people and they need to be protected.
But I have been watching this entire child-play for decades and it really amazes me how Turkish people cannot see the pattern here. Turkish Republic has actually been dealing with the same kind of problem for at least 3 decades and we have been receiving the same kind of reaction in our war against Kurdish rebels, PKK.
It is almost the same. PKK attacks the villages, even towns, kills people,
kills babies, along with countless Turkish public servants such as teachers, doctors, and of course, soldiers, and it is always Turkish Republic to blame.
Again, the opposite is not true and I don't say that Turkey has no fault in this. On the contrary, Turkey handled a lot of things in the worst possible way, but this simple fact does not justify another simple fact that PKK got immense foreign support which helped them keep salughtering and slaughtering and slaughtering.
What seems like a very bad joke is the fact that Syria backed PKK and harbored their bloody leader Ocalan for decades, and then they were forced to send him away
to first Russia and then to Italy. He found a good shelter in Italy for about a month and i will never forget and forgive how Italians were eager to support him. Later on, when Italy was finally forced to send Ocalan away, he was caught in Kenya with a Greek passport.
There are amazing similarites between how Kurdish rebels operated in Turkey and how the so called Free Syrian Army is operating right now. People of Syria might have rightful demands but the way how they make their claim is as evil as the official Syrian government is told to be. And there is an open international support for the Syrian rebels, and Essad is being scorned in every opportunity.
They are both the part of the very same game. It is exteremely important to realize that we are not looking at two similar international plots but one. And as a matter of fact, this plot has far deeper roots than you can imagine and i will be talking about that in another post.